I have been a wife and a mom basically my entire adulthood. My husband and three kids are my priority they're my biggest dream, my largest accomplishment! I wouldn't trade any of it for the world.
Yet, there came a point when I realized I didn't remember who I am as an individual. Yes I'm a good mom and I bake cookies and love doing projects with them. The girls know I'm artsy and my husband knows I enjoy being outdoors and spoiling them. This is who I am to them and with them. But outside of that who am I? Am I an introvert or extrovert? Could I possibly have dinner alone at a restaurant and be ok with it? Do I still have the same career passions as I did in college or even so far as high school? I definitely didn't follow the career path I had in mind back then...So if I was to start a new one, what would it be?
Sometimes I get asked these questions and they throw me completely off because I didn't know the answers to them. That is until I realized it was time to learn who I am and who I want to continue to be. I do this not just for myself but for my girls. My girls who will soon become teenagers and then women and I want them to look at their mother as an example, as someone who's happy with herself, someone who's had goals and dreams outside of them. Someone who not only set those goals but also achieved them. I want to set an example of a great woman for them not just a great mother. Although to be honest (the best example my mom has ever set was a high standard of motherhood I often still wonder how did she do it?!) the love and compassion she's always had I've never seen another mother give and that in itself is pretty great!
However the kids will eventually leave the nest and I want to have something that is mine to keep me happy. I don't want to wait until they leave to begin to look for it. So I've set myself out on this journey of doing things that bring me joy. I hope you’re inspired to get out and do something you love as well, search for it and just do it. Without worries of what anyone thinks or who else is doing the same thing and on your journey I hope you uplift, support and inspire other women along the way
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